Terms and Conditions



Nineteenth International Oil, Gas,Refining & Petrochemical Exhibition

May6-9, 2014

Tehran, Iran



Article 1 - Contact numbers and addresses of the ORGANIZER and its appointed REPRESENTATIVES

Article 2 - Submission of Application Forms  and number of Participating Companies in Individual Stands

Article 3 - Terms of Payment

Article 4 - Exhibiting Items, Promotional Activities, Security

Article 5 - Construction of Pavilions and Stands

Article 6 - Electricity, Water & Telephone

Article 7 - Entry  Visas

Article 8 - Transport, Parking Lots and Entrance Passes

Article 9 - Catalogue, Publicity, Photography & National Day

Article 10 - Special Services

Article 11 - Insurance, Security & Fire Fighting Services

Article 12 - Export Services Centre

Article 13 - Complaints and Infringement of Rules & Regulations

Article 14 - Vacating Exhibition Space

Article 15 - Customs Control - Important Exhibition Items

Article 16 - Table of Penalties

Article 17 - Table Showing Maximum Allowable Heights Of Stand Construction Within The Exhibition


The fair is organized by Public Relations of the Ministry of Petroleum hereinafter referred to as the ORGANIZER.

ORGANIZER: Telephones: 21-, Fax:21-,

E-mail: ,Website:

Address: No.702, 7thfloor, Building no.34 (Opposite of the road from the Ministry of Petroleum Headquarters Building) Taleghani Avenue, Tehran - Iran


1-Application forms should be submitted to ORGANIZER or its Appointed Representatives.

2-The ORGANIZER reserves the right for acceptance or rejection of applications.

3-Space allocation and positioning of exhibitors are sole responsibility of the ORGANIZER.

4-Exhibitors are not allowed to sublet or share with others the space allocated to them.

5-Minimum individual stand areas for each stand are set at 12m2 for indoor and 30 m2 for outdoor. Only one participant (plus his agent if any) is allowed to exhibit in a 12 m2 indoor and a 30m2 out door stand but the exhibitor's name to be displayed on the stand Fascia is limited to one company.

6-Exhibitors exceeding their allocated space (their originally requested space in the application form) are subject to settle their accounts based on completion of a new application form indicating the revised space.

7-Exhibitors shall submit the ORGANIZER a separate listing of its exhibiting items along with the Registration form. This listing will be used as a PERMIT for the items to leave the FAIRGROUND when countersigned by the ORGANIZER’s representative. This form can be viewed and downloaded from IOGPE website.

8-The ORGANIZER has the right to relocate the area or the site allocated to any exhibitor with prior notice.

9- Exhibitors wishing to cancel their participation at the fair should inform the ORGANIZER of their decision at least 20 days before the opening of the fair and pay 20% of the total fee. Exhibitors failing to do so will be responsible for the total financial liabilities and expenses incurred.

10-In rare cases, due to force majeure, the allocated stand area will slightly vary from the original request. In such cases the parties involve shall reimburse each other the difference in actual stand area used. Maximum area allowed for a second level stand shall not exceed 12 m2 for a 15m2 stands.


11-Applicants are subject to payment of 100% of fees upon submission of their application forms and in accordance with respective deadlines.

12-Exhibitors initially requesting "Constructed Stand" space must pay a 20% cancellation fee in case they decide not to use the prefabricated stands provided by the ORGANIZER and the cancellation notice shall be submitted by the participant at least one month prior to the opening of the exhibition.

14-Participants exhibiting or advertising outside their allocated space must have prior approval of the ORGANIZER. Repackaging and removing of the goods of the exhibitors will begin the day following closing date of the exhibition.

15-All fees are payable in Euro. Displaying foreign products, Posters etc… in Iranian stands paid the Rials fees is prohibited. The exhibitors in such cases are obligated to pay the International fees.

16-Exhibitors are requested to inform the ORGANIZER of the exact amount and the date of their payments and the bank name through which the payment is made by transmitting the payment receipt.

17-The ORGANIZER reserves the right to hold the exhibited goods of those participants whose accounts are not completely settled.

18-Payments shall be deposited in the ORGANIZER's bank accounts below and the payment receipt shall be promptly faxed to the ORGANIZER.        

BANK ACCOUNTS:                                                             


Foreign currency bank account


Swiftcode: BKMTIRTH017


19-The original bank payment receipts shall accompany the Registration Application. Participants from outside Iran registering direct with the ORGANIZER in Tehran shall fax in their payment receipt followed by forwarding the original document via DHL or other express mail. Our Finance Division is only authorized to accept the original receipts.


20-In addition to prohibited goods specified in the latest import/export regulations of the Islamic Republic of Iran, exhibiting of articles such as: ammunition, explosives, narcotics and alcoholic beverages are strictly prohibited.

21-Protection and safeguarding of exhibited goods are the responsibility of the exhibitors during visiting hours. The ORGANIZER will accept the responsibility after the working hours for the duration of the exhibition. Exhibitors may carry out demonstration on exhibited tools or machineries they have displayed after obtaining the approval of the ORGANIZER. Necessary precautions should be considered when such demonstrations are conducted. In case of any damages, exhibitors are held fully responsible for the repair or replacement costs. Exhibited items at the Fair on non commercial basis may be sold (2 or 3 samples) with prior consultation with Custom's officer.


22-Minimum indoor pre- constructed and furnished stands are  12m2 and the minimum indoor not constructed stand is set at 18m2 and the minimum outdoor stand are set at 30 m2.

23-Pre- constructed stands made available  to exhibitors will be equipped with necessary wooden panels, floor coverage, front stand name, and electricity switch, 3 light bulbs of 100 watts each, one table and two chairs.

24-Not pre- constructed stands( to be constructed by the exhibitor) will only be allocated the stand ground and providing all construction equipment, decoration and other necessary parts including electrical connections for inside the stands is the responsibility of the exhibitors.

25-Exhibitors who chose to erect their stands at their expense shall submit to the Technical Department of the ORGANIZER 3sets of stand designs and technical drawings in A-3 size sheets in color indicating horizontal and vertical projections and showing required utility points such as telephone, electricity and water at least 20 days before the opening of the fair for approval.

26-Maximum allowable height of stands shall not exceed 3½ meters.

27-In case where the second level stand is to be constructed, related plans in writing, including the height and materials of construction for the second floor must be submitted to the organizer at least 20 days before and after obtaining the latter’s confirmation the construction can begin. Otherwise, if problem arise during the construction, the organizer will not be responsible. Please note that the second story stand must be without ceiling. The fee for the second story stand will be based on 50% of fee per m2 of the main stand area.

28-The ORGANIZER approves the technical drawings within 2 weeks from the date of submission.

29-Exhibitors will commence stand construction only after prior approval of the ORGANIZER. The ORGANIZER has the right to revise the submitted technical drawings in conformity with technical and public safety codes.

30-The exhibitors are bound to execute the approved drawings. In case of any discrepancy during construction, the stand construction will be corrected at the exhibitors’ expense and the exhibitor will have no right to any compensation.

31-For exhibitors who chose to construct their own stands, the ORGANIZER’S approval for entering all relative equipments and materials into the halls is required. In such cases, the exhibition participants should submit a registered check equivalent to RLs 2000, 000for each m2 to the ORGANIZER. The check must be for the account of the exhibitor (not the construction extractor) and is required to simply guarantee the vacating of stand by the exhibitor

32-The exhibitors are obliged to remove all their extra materials and empty cases from the fair site, as otherwise, the ORGANIZER will remove the said materials at the exhibitors' expense who will have no right to any compensation.

 Exhibitors are forbidden to inflect any changes or alterations to the building and or on open space of the fairground without prior approval of the ORGANIZER.

33-Exhibitors occupying open space are not authorized to use construction activities. Exhibitors found to do so will be stopped promptly and they will be held responsible for refund of related expenses for damages.

34- Fair authorities have ruled that:

  • The distance between the hind side of stands constructed along the surrounding walls of the hall should be kept at a minimum distance of 75 centimeters from the hall walls and this distance should be kept at a minimum of 120 centimeters in locations where central electrical distribution boxes are installed. These distances will facilitate installation and maintenance of electrical, telephone and water networks.
  • Fairgrounds authorities dictate that the main passageways should have a width of not less than four meters and for other passageways the width should not be less than three meters.

35- Construction of stands by exhibitors who chose to construct their own stands must chose from one of the approved stand builders introduced by the ORGANIZER. The duties of approved stand builders are:

  • Construction of stands as per the design approved by the ORGANIZER.
  • Rent out requested items and additional electrical units.
  • To guard against interferences by non-authorized stand builders.
  • To ensure the stand construction is confined to the allocated area.


36-ORGANIZER provides the general lighting of the fairground and its surrounding buildings. Exhibitors wishing to erect their own stands are responsible for all electrical supplies, switchboards and connections within their own stand and ORGANIZER” has no responsibility in this respect.

37- Exhibitors should submit an electrical drawing with other technical drawings at least 45 days before opening of the fair. Commencement of any electrical work should be followed after final approval of electrical drawings.

38-Exhibitors must inform the ORGANIZER of any machinery consuming more than 5kw/h at least 45 days before the opening of the fair. Electric power will be supplied according to standards of the fair. Charges for electricity consumed in excess of 3KW must be paid to the Fairs Representative direct.

39-Exhibitors requiring electrical outlets for additional lighting or power, should apply and complete appropriate form available at the ORGANIZER office and forward it to the ORGANIZER at least one month before the opening of the fair.

40-Exhibitors are requested to submit application form for water supply for their pavilions at least 45 days before the opening of the fair.

39-Only the official electricians of the FAIR are authorized to install the approved electrical connections.

41-Exhibitors who require telephone lines should complete and return the appropriate application form not later than 60 days before the opening of the fair. At the exhibitor's request all the lines will be connected before the opening of the fair. Application forms for electricity, water and telephone are available at the ORGANIZER office.


42-The ORGANIZER will obtain Iranian entry visas for exhibitor’s personnel on request for a fee.

43-The exhibitors should submit the appropriate visa application forms together with applicable fees payment receipts. Photo copy of the applicant's personal data pages of passport should accompany the application form. Any erroneous entry will result in delay.

44-The Entry Visa Form and the Bank Account to receive deposits in this respect will be announced on the website.


45-No vehicle will be allowed to enter the fairground during the opening hours of the fair (Ministers’ and Ambassadors’ vehicles are exceptions).

46-No goods and catering material should be delivered to stands after visiting hours. Parking will not be permitted in the fairground or on the adjacent roads to the fair.

47-Exhibitors and visitors are requested to use the parking lots provided by International Fair authorities for a nominal fee. Exhibitors will receive Identification Cards for their stand personnel.

48-The exhibitors shall furnish the ORGANIZER the full name, position and a passport photo size of his appointed personnel assigned to their stands who will be authorized to contact the ORGNIZER team members on exhibition matters.

49-The ORGNIZER shall issue each of these representatives with an I.D. card with his photograph affixed to it. The number of ID cards issued to exhibitors will be according to the table below:


ID cards for Outdoor Stands

Area (m2)

No of ID Cards

Up to 50

















ID cards for Indoor Stands

Area (m2)

No of ID Cards

Up to 12















Parking Cards

Indoor stands

Outdoor stands

Area (m2)

No of

ID Cards

Area (m2)

No of ID cards

Up to 12


Up to 50











50- Personnel assigned to stands shall display their ID cards during the exhibition working hours.


51-Each exhibitor will be entitled to a free entry in Exhibition Directory which will include the company name, address, telephone, fax number, email and website including a brief description of its main products and services not exceeding 60 words.

52-Exhibitors are requested to complete the Catalogue Entry Application forms at least two months before the opening of the fair and forward it to the ORGANIZER for review and on forwarding to the publisher. The fair catalogue will be published in both Farsi and English.

53-The exhibitors who wish to distribute printed material, films, etc… in their pavilions during the fair should obtain prior approval of the ORGANIZER.

54-Exhibitors are not authorized to advertise their goods on competitive basis with other similar exhibited goods. Exhibitors’ banners or signs must be confined within the area of their stands and must not extend into gangways and other common areas.

55-It is prohibited to use loudspeakers before obtaining the written consent of the ORGANIZER provided that their use is confined to the visitors inside the pavilion. These loudspeakers should not produce disturbing sounds to neighboring exhibitors.

56-Exhibitors have no right to place slogans, placards or writings inside the fairground. Exhibitors who intend to celebrate their National Days should inform the ORGANIZER.

57-Those wishing to celebrate their National Days at the Conference Halls (inside the fairground) should pay the amount shown on relevant invoices to be issued beforehand. ORGANIZER reserves the right to take photographs or films of any part of the fair for its publication purposes. Photography inside the fairground is not permitted unless with prior permission of the ORGANIZER.    


58-Exhibitors will have access to following services and facilities by paying related charges: insurance, customs, taxi, post, telegraph, conference halls, duplicating machines, printing, handling facilities (lift-trucks), internet and international telephones, flowers and plants, restaurants and snack bars.


59-Insurance services will be available at the fairground with cooperation of Alborz insurance Company branch. Insuring exhibiting goods against fire, explosions and thunders is mandatory. Exhibitors are however encouraged to insure their personnel against any risks for the period from the beginning of the stand construction work until the last day of dismantling and leaving the fairground (approximately 15 days).

Exhibitors are responsible for damages resulting from fire, theft, water, etc. to their exhibits, equipment and decoration materials in their pavilion or stand. Exhibitors are also responsible for incidents or any injury which might happen to their on-duty employees.

60-ORGANIZER provides guards for patrolling of halls and pavilions during the whole period of the fair. Exhibitors will leave the exhibition halls at closing time of the exhibition. However, exhibitors are advised to protect their displays during the visiting hours. The halls will be locked and sealed off after the closing hours.

61-Exhibitors or their representatives should always attend their pavilions or stands during the visiting hours of fair. Exhibitors are not permitted to close their pavilions or stands before closing time of the fair.

62-Exhibitors are advised to take small exhibiting items including pricy items such as cameras, laptops etc…….with them during closing hours of the exhibition.

63-ORGANIZER will provide a fire fighting station inside the fairground during the period of the fair. The exhibitors are required to remove all the inflammable materials such as empty cases, packing materials, etc… from their pavilions and stands.

64-Storage of non-standard electrical fixtures and flame producing articles are prohibited in the halls. Additionally storage of any petroleum products or other kinds of fuels are not authorized inside the halls. Exhibitors requiring such fuels for demonstration purposes should obtain fire hazards instruction codes from the ORGANIZER.


65-Export Services Center consisting of representatives of Ministries and Organizations concerned with foreign trade offers computerized trade information and useful guidance to visitors and participants for the duration of the fair.


66-Complaints against the ORGANIZER related to stands and their conditions will only be accepted within 30 working days after the termination of the fair. All complaints must be brought to the notice of the ORGANIZER for preliminary consideration before taking any other legal action. Should the ORGANIZER not take the complaints into consideration within two months after receiving, the exhibitors have the right to submit their claims to legal authorities.

67-Any disputes arising from this agreement shall be subject to Tehran and its suburb’s jurisdiction and will be settled according to the laws of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Should an exhibitor not observe the Rules and Regulations, the ORGANIZER has the right to stop his work at any time, with no right on the part of the exhibitor to claim for compensation.


68-Exhibitors are requested to vacate both allocated indoor and outdoor pavilions and stands, remove exhibits, decoration material and other installations and return the stands to the ORGANIZER in its original form within 24 hours after the termination of the fair on expiry of which the ORGANIZER at expense of the exhibitors will remove any remaining stand items.

69-Exhibitors failing to do so are responsible in case of any damages to their exhibited goods. Imported goods should be transferred to the Customs Warehouse immediately following the expiry of the fair, where they will be subject to Customs regulations.

70-Exhibitors failing to remove their exhibited goods, decoration materials and etc. out of the fairground will be subject to related storage and compensation charges in accordance with the tariffs of the ORGANIZER.

71-The ORGANIZER takes no responsibility for the left behind exhibited goods, decoration materials etc. of exhibitors who failed to remove them out of the fairground within the stipulated duration.


(Import / Export of Exhibiting Items)

72-Importing items for exhibition shall be marked as NON-COMMERCIAL and be addressed to:


TEHRAN'S Permanent International Fairground





International Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Exhibition-April 2006



73-Full personal particular(s) of person(s) who will take delivery of the goods from the inside of the FAIRGROUND's Customs Office on the date of handing over the stand by the ORGANIZER shall be legibly written on the parcel as well as on importing documents.

74-Exhibitors are urged to ensure that a complete list of their affiliated companies and their countries of origin from which they will import exhibiting items is submitted to the ORGANIZER at the time of registration.

75-The ORGANIZER shall submit a listing of registered exhibitors to the CUSTOMS section of Permanent International Fair for coordination with the FAIR'S CUSTOMS OFFICER. The former can be contacted on telephones: 21-21911 (Central exchange) and ask for Customs Section. We will announce a well recognized FORWARDER through Iran Oilshow's website whom we consider experienced to assist exhibitors who plan to import exhibiting items. There are numerous others who are equally qualified forwarders for such services who can be selected by exhibitors through their representatives in Iran or abroad.


Table of penalties and fine for damages incurred to the halls and surrounding areas:



Amount of Fines


Fine rate for each damage occurred to inside and outside stand areas



Fine rate for drilling holes in floors, walls, asphalts and other areas outside the halls



Fine for displaying any kind of advertisings from the ceiling of stands



Fine for damages caused to asphalts of exhibition areas, per m2



Fine for each damage caused to walls and columns of exhibition areas,

per m2



Fine for damages caused to outdoor tabulated areas, per m2



Individual fine for each advertising screens or other promotional items in exhibiting areas without  obtaining prior approval from the organizers



Fine for painting of walls , columns ,doors, windows , floors, etc…per m2



Fine for any kind of access to the rooftops of the halls for placing advertising

Balloons, antennas, etc….



Fine for breaking glasses of up to 6milimeters thickness, per m2



Fine for breaking color glasses, reflexes of up to 6milimeters thickness,

per m2



Fine for not removing each wooden boxes covering around the stands’




Fine for sticking any kind of papers, cloths, etc…..



Fine for damaging iron cover of canals, bungs, asphalt covering and

Underground Canals, etc…….



Fine for each installation of electric light without prior approval of the

Electric Dept



Fine for each unauthorized electrical connection



NOTICE: Exhibiting companies, with prior approval of the officials of Construction, Electricity and other organizations may personally pay for the related damages (maximum48 hours after the closing date of the exhibition)but the applicable penalty rates(40% of the above amounts)will be payable.

Penalty for damages not covered here above will be decided upon individually.


Table showing maximum allowable heights of stand constructions within the Exhibition Halls:


Number of Halls

Stands in the Middle of Halls

Stands around the surrounding


38-8/9 11/10 A













A31   B-31



25 series



26 series




Attention: The above height is including the thickness of the floor construction.


Reminder: In cases where the stands are facing the air entering windows, the maximum height of stands should not exceed beyond the lower level of the window base.




Events Items
  • Feb.15,2014Final step for Pre-registered exhibitors
  • Dec.24,2013Pre- Registration for19th Iran Oil Show
  • 6May 2014Opening Reception
Download Exhibition Poster
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